Your e-mail address must be in this format: username@domain.com (or .net, .org, .edu, etc.). If you have more than one e-mail address, be sure that you're using the correct e-mail address and password combination for the account you are trying to access. Also, if your computer is set to auto-complete the e-mail, make sure it's the correct e-mail address listed.
1. Go to afterschool.ae
2. Click PARENTS LOGIN on the upper right to log in
3.Then enter the following:
Email address: You can log in with email address that is currently listed on your Afterschool account
Enter your password
4. Click Login.
3.Then enter the following:
Email address: You can log in with email address that is currently listed on your Afterschool account
Enter your password
4. Then hit Log in
Please note that you can also login through social networks (facebook and twitter). Just click either Facebook or Twitter and you will be directly log in to our website.